Fleet Oceanographic And Acoustic Reference Manual

Fleet Oceanographic And Acoustic Reference Manual

Manual rp 33, fleet oceanographic and acoustic reference manual se313-t1-mma-010, navsea technical manual sonar detecting set an/sqs-53c(v)1,2 vol 1 se313-t1-mma-020, navsea technical manual sonar detecting set an/sqs-53c(v)1,2 vol 2 se313-tp-mma-010, system operation and maintenance manual for an/sqs-53b(v). The first portion of this chapter was devoted to those oceanographic products that were accessed using the NODDS. We will now discuss phenomena and principles covered in the Fleet Oceanographic and Acoustic Reference Manual, RP33. A brief overview will be presented for each area discussed. For more information, see RP33. The Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) provides the highest quality, most relevant and timely worldwide meteorology and oceanography support to U.S. And coalition forces from its Operations Center in Monterey, California.

The Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) provides the highest quality, most relevant and timely worldwide meteorology and oceanography support to U.S. and coalition forces from its Operations Center in Monterey, California.

Fleet Oceanographic And Acoustic Reference ManualAcoustic

Fleet Oceanographic Reference Manual Rp33 Pdf


Rp 33 Fleet Oceanographic

  • Meteorology Products

    This area provides Global & Regional Weather Prediction Charts (WXMAP) and Global Ensemble Weather Prediction Charts (EFS). WxMAP depictions of NAVGEM predictions for side-by-side comparison with NCEP global NWP model (GFS) are also available.
  • Oceanography Products

    This area provides Global & Regional Ocean Wave Prediction Charts (WW3), Global Ensemble Ocean Wave Prediction Charts (WW3 Ensemble), and Global Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Charts (NCODA).
  • Tropical Applications

    This area provides links to satellite imagery of tropical cyclones (TCWEB) and current tropical storm forecast tracks.
  • Climatology & Archived Data

    This area provides links to the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) for climatological products.