How To Large File From Qq Mail

There is a limitation on the size of message you can send overthe mail system. If, for example, you want to includea large file (above 32KB) in a message,the recipient may find that part of the file has been lost(truncated) during the transfer, although no error message will appear.You can find out the size of a file by entering:
!l filename

See the discussion on working with files and directoriesin the Operating System User's Guide or thels(C)manual pagefor more information about the l command.

How to send large files through Outlook. We invite you to use TitanFile’s Secure Send add-in to easily bypass the file size limit and send large files in all versions of Outlook and Office 365. On top of adding the capability to attach large files, TitanFile also encrypts emails to ensure that no unauthorized persons or parties have access. If you’re sending large image files you can automatically resize them to reduce their file size. Attach the images to your email message. Click File Info. Under the Image Attachments section, select Resize large images when I send this message.

One solution is to compress and encodea file before including it in your message.Compressing a file reduces its size by about 50%; encoding the file increasesthe size of the compressed file by about 30%, so youend up with a compressed and encoded file that is about twothirds the size of the original. If this still leaves a filethat is too large to send, you should, if possible, split the file intosmaller files before compressing and encoding them.

The reason why you should encode a compressed file before you send itis because compressed files may include characters that are notrecognizable to SCO Shell Mail.Although you may be ableto send the compressed file, it may well be truncated orincorrectly transmitted by SCO Shell Mail.

If you are a SCO Shell Mail user, the encoding of a file is doneautomatically for you when you attach the file to a message. So,if you want to send a compressed file to someone, you should alwaysattach it to the message instead of including it in the message.If, for some reason, you need to include the file in a message,you should follow the procedure given in``Including information from other applications in a message'.

Because you can only compress a file from thecommand line(that is, there is no SCO Shell command for doing this),enter the following UNIX system commandsfrom within SCO Shell using an exclamation mark.

Assume that you have a file called myfile that youwant to send via mail to one of your colleagues.To compress the file, type:
!compress -c myfile > myfile.Z


The compressed file is named myfile.Z;attach this file to the mail message to be sent, but donot edit its contents.

The recipient of your mail message can recover a copy ofthe original file by saving the attachment to afile (here named mmsg), and entering the following command:
!uudecode -s mmsg > myfile

Next topic: Sending mail to other computers
Previous topic: Running UNIX commands from within SCO Shell Mail
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003

I had to deal with a “huge” mail.que file this morning and thought of letting you know how to handle similar issues.So, here is the scenario

  • Came to know about this issue only when SCOM alerted for a low disc space
  • On one of the hub transport servers, the mail.que file reached to 148GB (unbelievable)

A lil about the mail.que file:

The mail.que file temporarily stores all emails before it is delivered to the target. It is an ESE database which means it is similar in architecture like an Exchange mailbox database, the edb file.

As per a TechNet article

A queue is a temporary holding location for messages that are waiting to enter the next stage of processing. Each queue represents a logical set of messages that a transport server processes in a specific order. Queues exist only on servers that have the Hub Transport server role or Edge Transport server role installed.

Let’s take a look at the other files residing in this location:

Trn.chk – Checkpoint file like E0x.chk in exchange

Trn.log – The transaction log file which is getting committed now. Similar to E00.log in exchange

Trntmp.log – The next transaction log file which is created in advance.

Trnnnn.log – Next transaction log file created when Trn.log reaches its maximum size.

Trnres00001.jrs – First reserve log file. Only used when the hard disk drive that contains the transaction log runs out of space to stop the queue database cleanly


Trnres00002.jrs – Second Reserve log file.

Temp.edb – Temp database used to verify database schema on start-up.

Back to the issue:

You need to know 2 important terms before we proceed since this issue could have caused due to a combination of both:

  • PipelineTracingEnabled: This is used for troubleshooting purposes and is not enabled by default.
  • MaxDumpsterSizePerStorageGroup: This is for Exchange 2007. The maximum size of the transport dumpster queue per storage group. This is a universal setting for all storage groups; you can’t set variable sizes for each storage group. The recommended size is 1.5 times the maximum message size that can be sent. For example, if the maximum size for messages is 10 megabytes (MB), you should configure the MaxDumpsterSizePerStorageGroup parameter with a value of 15 MB. Read more here

You can use the cmdlet: Get-TransportServer | fl to get these details.

In my case, tracing was enabled and the dumpster was specified to be 50GB.

Enough talking and lets delete it now

How To Large File From Qq Mail Account

This is the suggested way to get rid of the old mail.que file and get a new one without any downtime. I proceed under the assumption that you have multiple hub transport servers to process emails so, no emails will be processed at the time of this change. This
should take about less than a minute. I will call the Hub transport server HUB01. Remember that steps 6-8 are very important and will ensure none loses emails

  1. Login to HUB01

  2. Open exchange management shell and run “Get-TransportServer ” HUB01″ |fl
  3. Here, look for PipelineTracingEnabled. This should be set to False. If not, run

    Set-TransportServer HUB01 -PipelineTracingEnabled $False

  4. MaxDumpsterSizePerStorageGroup is in MB’s and not GB’s

    MaxDumpsterTime : 7.00:00:00

    If not, run

    Set-TransportConfig -MaxDumpsterSizePerStorageGroup <size> -MaxDumpsterTime <timespan>

  5. Now run “Get-Queue” and take a look at the count of messages in HUB01
  6. Goto services.msc and Pause the Microsoft Exchange Transport service
  7. Again, run “Get-Queue” and ensure all pending messages are “zeroed” out
  8. Once messages pending becomes zero, stop the Transport service
  9. Move the mail.que file and all others to a new folder in the same location
  10. Start the Transport service
  11. Take a look at the queue again
  12. You should see that messages would have started getting delivered
  13. Now you can backup or safely delete the old mail.que file

Large File Games

Ratish Nair
MVP Exchange
Team@ MSExchangeGuru

Qq Mail Sign Up

Keywords: Delete mail.que file, delete large mail.que file, mail.que file large in size, huge mail.que file in exchange, exchange 2007 mail.que file, mail.que file too big