Nebula 3

The Caddx Vista Air unit was the lightest DJI HD camera/transmitter you can put in your drone, I said ‘was’, because they just released an even lighter camera, the Caddx Nebula! However, I am quite disappointed!

Nebula is a multi-effect plug-in that emulates several types of exotic audio equipment, eliminating the need for costly hardware, bringing you worlds of new options. Nebula uses libraries which are created by a sophisticated “sampling approach”, making it possible to virtually capture all of the subtle nuances of the sonic imprint of any. Settle down with the entire family and immerse yourself in all of the spectacular sights and sounds of the cinema with Nebula Cosmos. With Capsule Max nestled snugly within your pack or pocket, venture outside and take the magic of the movies with you, wherever you go.

  • Still on the fence? Here is my DJI FPV System Review
  • A list of DJI FPV System upgrades and accessories you don’t want to miss

Update (March 2021): There’s a new version, Nebula Pro.

Nebula + Vista Combo

Only Nebula Nano Camera

Only Nebula Micro Camera

The Caddx Nebula is basically a lighter and smaller camera replacement for the original DJI camera. It works with both DJI Air Unit and Caddx Vista.

You can either purchase the Vista with the Nebula pre-installed, or you can just get the Nebula camera separately and install it in your existing Air Unit by yourself.

The Caddx Nebula Nano camera weighs 4.5g, while the original DJI camera weighs about 8.5g, so you save about 4g by using the Nebula Nano. it’s also smaller, with a form factor of 14x14mm, The Nebula Nano also comes with a 19x19mm bracket so you can mount it like a micro camera if you want.

There is also a Nebula Micro version, which is slightly bigger (micro size 19x19mm).

But the interesting thing is that it has both digital and analogue video outputs, which means you can use it with your traditional analogue VTX as well. While having their own version, Caddx is also releasing an Eachine edition of the micro.

Apart from size and weight, the other major differences between the Nebula and original DJI camera are:

  • The Nebula can only do 16:9 wide screen, no 4:3 due to the the sensor’s 16:9 native aspect ratio
  • The diagonal FOV (field of view) of the Nebula is 150°, which is the same as the DJI’s, but since the Nebula has a longer aspect ratio, it has smaller vertical FOV and so you will see less from top to bottom
  • According to the manufacturer, Nebula has better low light performance and wider dynamic range
  • They disabled Low Latency / High Quality mode option when using the Nebula – it just uses default mode (720p 60fps)
  • 32ms latency – which is slightly higher than what we have with the original camera in the Low Latency mode (28ms), but slightly lower than that in High Quality mode (40ms)

Here is a great video comparing the new Nebula and the original DJI camera by Fungineers.

At first glance, the Nebula looks like a completely different camera in the footage.

They didn’t lie about the better WDR, you can see more detail in the shadow. However the Nebula image looks considerably worse honestly, it’s almost like analogue now! The image is very much washed out, very blurry and over-sharpened at the same time. It tends to “fog up” when flying in shady areas or facing a light source due to the over-reacting WDR algorithm.

Based on all the footage I’ve seen and reactions from people, I really can’t recommend the Nebula, at least for now.

The point of the DJI FPV system is fanatic image quality, and the point of the Nebula is weight saving. but it’s not doing either thing right. For a mere 5-gram reduction, you lose so much image quality and it’s not adjustable, it’s almost like flying analogue again. You are also stuck in 16:9 and High Quality mode (no 120 fps low latency).

If you really want a light weight setup, I think it makes more sense to just get use an analogue camera and VTX, the DJI FPV goggles support analogue anyway with an receiver adapter. And you will save way more weight and money than getting the Nebula to be honest.

But if really want to give this a try, here are where you can get it from:

Update (July 2020): Only a few weeks after it’s initial release, they already made a new version V2. Reportedly it has hardware changes and improved image quality slightly. As far as I know, people who bought the first batch (V1) can get a discount from Caddx for their purchase of the latest Nebula (V2).

The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest nebulae in the night sky, and is visible to the naked eye. This magnitude 4 interstellar cloud of ionized atomic hydrogen contains a young open cluster of four primary stars known as the Trapezium.

The M42 nebula is part of a much larger nebula system known as the Orion Molecular Complex, which extends throughout the Orion constellation including objects such as the Horsehead Nebula, M78, and Barnard’s Loop.

The mighty Orion Nebula is arguably the most spectacular deep sky object in the night sky. I sincerely hope that you have the privilege of observing M42 (Messier 42) through a telescope at some point during your life. You will never forget it.

In terms of astrophotography, it is one of the most gratifying deep sky objects you could ever photograph through a telescope. The rich glowing emission gas and reflected starlight of the Orion Nebula embody the breathtaking beauty of our Universe.

The Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula region photographed in a single frame (Raptor 61).

The Orion Nebula is so bright, that it is possible to observe it with the naked eye. With an apparent magnitude of +4, this glowing emission nebula/reflection nebula can even be enjoyed from locations with moderate light pollution.

You’ll find Messier 42 in the “Sword” of the Orion constellation, which are the 3 stars located south of Orion’s Belt. It may look like just another “star” at first, but a closer look (even without the aid of binoculars) will reveal a fuzzy patch.

This diffuse nebula is estimated to be about 24 light-years across and is the closest region of active star formation to Earth. Over the years, I have photographed Orion using countless cameras, telescopes, and camera lenses. Since 2010, I have dedicated some time to photograph the Orion Nebula (and Constellation) when the Hunter returns in the fall.

Astrophotography Images I’ve captured over the years of the Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula Details:

  • Object Type: Reflection Nebula/Emission Nebula
  • Constellation: Orion
  • Distance: 1,344 light-years
  • Apparent magnitude: +4.0
  • Apparent dimensions: 65×60 arcmins
  • Designations: NGC 1976, M42

How to Find the Orion Nebula

Orion is one of the easiest constellations to identify in the night sky. “The Hunter” formation of stars is unmistakable, even from the city. Orion’s Belt is the most striking feature of the formation, 3 bright stars in a row that create an imperfect line. The intensely red star at the upper left of Orion should also stand out. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant, and one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye.

On the bottom right of this star formation, is yet another extremely bright star, but this one shines blue-white. Rigel is the brightest star in the Orion constellation, and approximately 40,000 times brighter than our sun. The star factory affectionately known as the Orion Nebula can be found North of Rigel, in Orion’s Sword. Have a look at the star chart below for reference.

Star Map showing the Location of the Orion Nebula –

The seven primary stars that make up the distinctive hourglass-shaped asterism of Orion the Hunter are Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. Nearby Canis Major is said to be Orion’s faithful dog. The brightest star in Earth’s night sky, Sirius, represents the nose of the dog.

Through a Telescope or Binoculars

If you’re lucky enough to own a telescope, aim it below the 3 belt stars of Orion towards his sword. Use your telescope’s finder scope to identify the fuzzy patch that sits between the three stars of Orion’s sword, and then hop back on the eyepiece for a wondrous sight. With enough aperture and good seeing, you should be able to spot out the Trapezium near the core of Orion. Look for a tightly packed collection of 4 stars.

Unlike many of the faint deep sky nebulae in the night sky, the bright Orion Nebula offers an impressive view for backyard stargazers in the city. I often take a look at M42 using a pair of 15 x 75 binoculars. I highly suggest observing Orion this way if you haven’t before!

The graphic below shows two astrophotography examples of the Orion Nebula captured using a DSLR camera. The amount of overall exposure time and the types of filters that were used can change the type of image you create dramatically. In the world of astrophotography, the more signal (light) you can collect, the better.

An equatorial tracking mount and a telescope (or telephoto lens) are required for a deep view of the Orion Nebula, but even short untracked shot will begin to show color. For tips on how you can begin to enjoy astrophotography with an entry-level camera right away, see: 7 Astrophotography Tips and Camera Settings.

A Perfect Beginner Target

This celestial masterpiece is the perfect target for beginners to try using a DSLR camera and telescope. The bright, impressive details are quite evident in short, unguided exposures. As you learn how to better capture and process your astrophotography images, your image of M42 will become more and more beautiful.

My first images of the Orion Nebula did not look like the version below. I had to better learn the art of capturing and processing astrophotography images, and it took time.

My early photo of the Orion Nebula next to a more recent version

Using the right camera filter can impact the success of your image. From my Bortle Class 8 backyard, I rely on light pollution filters to help me capture natural-looking images under an urban sky.

For example, the image on the right was captured using a small refractor telescope and a stock DSLR camera. A broadband light pollution filter (Optolong L-Pro) was used to reduce the glow of my city sky while allowing the natural colors of this object and stars to shine through.

The image on the left includes narrowband hydrogen-alpha data, using a specialized filter. The original true-color data was combined with greyscale images shot using a 12nm Ha filter to produce a hybrid image that shows off the intense glowing hydrogen gas in the Orion Nebula and surrounding area.

Amateur photographers will often include the Running Man Nebula (NGC 1977) in the image as I have done in the past. For reference, I feel that a focal length of 400-600mm will offer the most impactful field of view for a large nebula like Messier 42.

Using a free plate-solving tool like is a great way to show you all of the annotated objects inside an astrophotography image of the Orion Nebula. The primary cataloged objects in my image of the Orion Nebula included M42, M43, NGC 1977, NGC 1980, and NGC 1981.

Camera Settings and Advice

A typical imaging session on M42 and the surrounding area will involve photographing several long exposure images that can later be registered and stacked to produce a final image with a healthy signal-to-noise ratio. I use a free software called DeepSkyStacker to pre-process all of my astrophotgraphy images.

Here are some recommended DSLR camera settings for the Orion Nebula through a telescope on a tracking mount:

  • Mode: Manual (Bulb)
  • ISO: 800-1600
  • Exposure: 2-3 Minutes
  • White Balance: Daylight

My view of Orion from a city backyard

If you are using a camera lens, set the lens’ f-ratio low (F/4 or below). The sharpness of the stars in your image will vary lens by lens, but in general, you want the lens to gather as much light as possible in a single shot. Fast lenses such as F/1.8 may benefit from stopping down to F/2.8 or F/3.2 for easier focus and a sharper image.

Nebula 3 Channel Helicopter

The bright core of the Orion Nebula may clip the highlight data in your image in exposures as short as 15-seconds. To create images of the Orion Nebula with a high dynamic range (HDR), photographers often capture short exposures of 5-10 seconds to capture the fine details near the Trapezium. These details can then be blended into the long exposure shots for a dramatic image.

Image Processing

Image processing is a completely different aspect of astrophotography from image acquisition. The Orion Nebula is an excellent test subject to practice your image processing skills on. For a detailed step-by-step image processing tutorial, you can follow along with the steps I take in Adobe Photoshop in the following post:

I have also created another tutorial that explains how to fix the bight core of Orion in Adobe Photoshop. To accomplish this, you can blend in a photo of the Orion Nebula captured using a shorter exposure length. By blending a shorter exposure image of the bright core, you can create an HDR version of Orion with more detail overall.

Which telescope to use?

The size of the Orion Nebula is well suited for many focal lengths, be it a telephoto lens or astrophotography telescope. The wide field of view offered by a compact refractor telescope will allow you to capture the entire M42 nebula, along with M43, NGC 1977 and many more interesting cataloged objects in this area.

For an example of the types of telescopes I have used to photograph M42 from my backyard, have a look at my top 5 choices for beginners.

A mid-range telescope like the Explore Scientific ED102 refractor is a superb choice for deep sky imaging. This telescope is responsible for many of the images in my personal photo gallery. An apochromatic refractor offers many advantages when photographing a target like M42 such as color correction, contrast, and clarity.

My Best Image

As with all of my astrophotos, it is hard for me to label a version of the image a “final”, as they are all a never-ending work-in-progress. However, if you want to share your photos with the world you must make a decision on a version you are happy with – no matter what stage it’s at. For all of my work on the Orion Nebula, the version below is probably my best attempt thus far:

The total integrated exposure time for this image was 2 Hours and 51 minutes. 57 separate exposures @ ISO 800 were combined using DeepSkyStacker to create a high-resolution .TIF file for processing. The stacked image was processed in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.

Several shorter exposure sets were stacked separately and blended into the final image using layer masks. This is a common image processing strategy to use when “taming” the core of a bright nebula or galaxy.

By integrating data acquired using a clip-in DSLR Ha filter, I was able to add more of the faint nebulosity that surrounds M42. The broadband color images were combined with narrowband Ha data to produce an HaRGB composite.

Nebula 3d plugin

(To learn more about this image-processing technique, have a look at my tutorial on HaRGB processing with Photoshop)


In the video, I collect light frames on this deep-sky object using a camera and telescope from my backyard. A typical imaging session on M42 involves shooting anywhere between 30-100 images on a single night.

Click here for a current list of the astrophotography equipment I use in the backyard.

Wide Angle Camera Lens

Nebula 3d

In a post I made about using a camera lens for astrophotography, I collected light on Messier 42 and the surrounding area. This included interesting deep-sky objects like the Horsehead Nebula, Flame Nebula and Barnard’s Loop.

Even at this focal length (105mm), the Orion Nebula is an incredible sight. The photo below was captured using a Canon Rebel DSLR on an iOptron SkyTracker Pro camera mount.

Several exposures in true-color RGB were stacked together to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the final image. Narrowband H-Alpha data was also added to bring increase the intense glowing gas from these nebulae even more.

When to See it

From the Northern Hemisphere, Orion is due South and highest in the night sky at about midnight in the month of December. As the winter months pass, Orion will rise about 2 hours earlier each month. January and February are great months for adding the Orion nebula to your astrophotography target list.

Vibrant bright blues and pinks are revealed through long exposure photography and create a masterpiece of interstellar gas and dust.

Nebula 300

The Orion Nebula was the first deep sky object I ever witnessed in color through photography. I used a point and shoot digital camera to image through the eyepiece of my Orion Skyquest Dobsonian back in 2010.

Nebula 3d Video Copilot

The result was a blurry smudge of purple light, and that was enough to spark my interest to level it’s at today. My early experiences photographing the Orion Nebula were the catalyst for a future lifelong obsession with astrophotography, and the night sky itself.

Through binoculars, a camera lens, or a telescope – the glowing molecular cloud known as the Orion Nebula never dissapoints.

Images of the Orion Nebula using various astrophotography equipment:

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