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  3. Wordle Examples

Wordle ~ Beautiful Word Clouds

Wordle Software Download


Word clouds are becoming quite popular these days. You can create a tag cloud in Activerain with the tags you've created (www.activerain.com/blogs/your-user-name/tags). Wordle is pretty neat because it compiles the words you've written in your blog and forms a cloud out of them. Here is my Wordle cloud.

WordArt.com is an online word cloud art creator that enables you to create amazing. Transform data into insights with our Free Word Cloud Generator. Analyze customer and employee feedback. Identify SEO terms and keywords.

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Wordle Examples

The words are a little pixelated because I was unable to get the coding (since the software belongs to IBM ), so I had to use the print screen feature to get a copy. You can get your own at Wordle.net