Pixie Hollow Fairy Types

Pixie Hollow Fairy Types Names Disney Fairies For the online game, see Pixie Hollow (video game). Pixie Hollow is a character meet and greet attraction at Disneyland and Hong Kong Disneyland offering guests the opportunity to greet with Tinker Bell from the Disney Fairies franchise. Pixie Hollow is blessed with hundreds of different types of vibrant and colorful plants and flowers. You’ll find beautiful buds and blossoms by the side of streams, in meadows, clinging to the side of great trees or simply sitting in a well-kept fairy garden. Fairies are often described as human in appearance. They have a pair of wings. Fairies are known to live under the water or in the hills. Fairies are also known to have powers to change the curious aspects of nature. Fairies are generally portrayed as elegantly and beautifully dressed. It is difficult to say the gender of a pixie.

Pixie Hollow Fairy Friends


A pixie is a mythical creature of British folklore. Pixiesare considered to be particularly concentrated in the moorland areas aroundDevon and Cornwall, suggesting some Celtic origin for the belief and name.

In traditional folklore, pixies are usually depicted asmischievous, short of stature and attractively childlike. They are fond ofdancing and gather outdoors in huge numbers to dance or sometimes wrestle. Othertraditional stories describe them as ill-clothed or naked- wearing dirty raggedbundles of rags which they happily discard for gifts of new clothes.

Pixie hollow fairy types chart

In modern folklore they are generally depicted with pointedears and often wearing a green outfit and pointed hat. Sometimes their eyes aredescribed as being pointed upwards at the temple ends. Some pixies are said tosteal children or lead travelers astray while some are said to rewardconsideration and punish neglect on the part of larger humans. By theirpresence they bring blessings to those who are fond of them.

Pixie Hollow Fairy Types Quiz

What You Need ToKnow About Pixie

  • Pixies mostly belong to the characters that havea negative role in the movie or literature and may change to good ones latter.
  • Pixies have colored skin and hair with butterflywings.
  • Pixies are mostly found in Celtic folklore.
  • Pixies are four inches tall and are known tolive in gardens.
  • Pixies are often described to be smaller thanfairies. They have pointed ears.
  • Pixies live in gardens.
  • Pixies are said to have more magical powers suchas bestowing wealth, kindness and intelligence.
  • Pixies in folklore are often naked or poorlydressed, but in modern portrayals they often wear a green outfits and pointyhats.
  • There are both male and female fairies.
  • Pixies are commonly known for misleading anddancing.


A fairy is a type of mythical or legendary creature inEuropean folklore, a form of spirit often described as metaphysical,supernatural or preternatural. Myths and stories about fairies do not have asingle origin, but are rather a collection of folklore beliefs from disparatesources.

Fairies were a common feature of Renaissance literature andRomantic art and were especially popular in the United Kingdom during theVictorian and Edwardian eras. The Celtic Revival also saw fairies establishedas conical part of Celtic cultural heritage.

The fairies of the past were feared as dangerous andpowerful beings who were sometimes friendly to humans but could also be cruelor mischievous. Fairies can appear as a dwarf creature typically having greenclothes and hair, living underground or in stone heaps.

Modern fairies are generally depicted as beingcharacteristically beautiful or handsome and as having lives corresponding tothose of human beings, though longer.

What You Need ToKnow About Fairy

  • Fairy mostly acts as a positive character thatshows people the right path and therefore has an important role until the end.
  • Fairies are just like miniature human beingswith large wings on their backs.
  • Fairies are commonly found in Celtic folklore.
  • Fairies are taller and are about six inches tall.
  • Fairies are often described as human inappearance. They have a pair of wings.
  • Fairies are known to live under the water or inthe hills.
  • Fairies are also known to have powers to changethe curious aspects of nature.
  • Fairies are generally portrayed as elegantly andbeautifully dressed.
  • It is difficult to say the gender of a pixie.
  • Fairies are glorified for their ethereal beauty.

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DifferenceBetween Pixie And Fairy In Tabular Form

Description Pixies mostly belong to the characters that have a negative role in the movie or literature and may change to good ones latter. Fairy mostly acts as a positive character that shows people the right path and therefore has an important role until the end.
Appearance Pixies have colored skin and hair with butterfly wings. Fairies are just like miniature human beings with large wings on their backs.
Presence Pixies are mostly found in Celtic folklore. Fairies are commonly found in Celtic folklore.
Size Pixies are four inches tall and are known to live in gardens. Fairies are taller and are about six inches tall.
Size Pixies are often described to be smaller than fairies. They have pointed ears. Fairies are often described as human in appearance. They have a pair of wings.
Dwelling Pixies live in gardens. Fairies are known to live under the water or in the hills.
Magical Powers Pixies are said to have more magical powers such as bestowing wealth, kindness and intelligence. Fairies are also known to have powers to change the curious aspects of nature.
Depiction Pixies in folklore are often naked or poorly dressed, but in modern portrayals they often wear a green outfits and pointy hats. Fairies are generally portrayed as elegantly and beautifully dressed.
Gender There are both male and female fairies. It is difficult to say the gender of a pixie.
Popularity Pixies are commonly known for misleading and dancing. Fairies are glorified for their ethereal beauty.

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Please read 'Everything You Need to Know About Fairies' or at least skim it before coming here. Especially number 10. This explains in more detail and can help with joining.
There are six subtypes of fairies in the Hollow Tree, as well as mermaids. Fairy types are not as important as the elements they control. Fairies will usually associate themselves with their element type, not their subspecies. Some fairies are hybrids of two subtypes, and usually look like one while having the attributes of the other.
1. Sprites- Sprites are found mostly in the elements of fire or air, but not every sprite falls under those categories. They are the best flyers, and often on the smaller side. Sprites are mischievous and very agile, and while they are little, they pack a punch. They tend to be emotional and a tad immature. Sprites have stream-lined wings ready for flying long distances, and fast. In human form, they sometimes have very prominent bone structure or slightly pointy ears, but nothing out of the ordinary. They, oddly enough, are taller than most when in human form.
2. Pixies- Pixies generally control the elements of spirit or earth, although there are always exceptions. They are the sweetest fairies, and often have very powerful magic. They have colorful wings that dart around very quickly, but are not good for flying long distances. Pixies are usually hyper, cheerful, and all around trustworthy fairies. Pixies often have slightly large heads and eyes in their human form, and are on the shorter side. As fairies, pixies are normal height.
3. Dragonflies- Dragonflies are exclusively spirit or fire. They are fierce, quick-witted, and feisty. Dragonflies are quick to anger and attracted to sparkly things. They have wings like a sprite except for the fact that their wings are rather glittery, and glow in the dark. Dragonflies are average height in both human and fairy form, and commonly have a short temper. Don't piss off a dragonfly, or you'll get stung. Dragonflies make pretty, girly humans with bright eye colors who wear lots of glimmering accessories. They offer concentrated power. It's not much, but it hurts like hell.
4. Flower Fairies/Floras- Flower Fairies, nicknamed Floras, mainly control earth, although there is the occasional water Flora, called a 'Butterfly Fairy' and nicknamed Flutters. They are elegant, sweet-tempered, and calm. Floras are the only type of fairy in the Hollow Tree with butterfly wings. They often paint flowers and butterflies and work to make natural life happen. A Flora will welcome you into his or her home and cook a feast to celebrate your arrival. They are kind, welcoming, motherly/fatherly fairies who love to cook. They make a lot of the food for the fairies in the Hollow Tree, and are some of the most productive fairies out there. Humanized floras often have a natural blush and are normal height, if not a little short, in both forms.
5. Grey Fairies/Grim(m)s- Grey fairies, also called 'Grimms' or 'Grims' for their less-then-excitable attitude, generally work with Shadow or Air. Grey fairies are lackluster, pessimistic fairies who are often depressed. Grey fairies are loners, and usually manifest in low-saturation colors in fairy form. They have grey hair sometimes, no matter how old they are, and usually have silvery eyes. As humans, they have cold coloring (ice blonde, ash brown, ash blonde) instead of warm coloring (platinum blonde, auburn hair, gingers, etc.) and wide or slightly droopy eyes. They are sometimes a little taller in fairy form, normal in human, and stick-like bodies. A Grim usually has a monotone voice, droopy wings, and hardly ever laughs.
6. Fayn- Fayn, the singular form being 'Faye', are highly emotional beings that usually fall under the category of Water or Shadow. Fayn are the most colorful of fairies, and the most unpredictable. Every Faye is different. In human form, the often have either bright hair and eye colors, as well as a natural glow to them, or darkness, and a dark shadow surrounding them. Fayn are very powerful, but very vain, and are the most inclined to become evil. It is said that the king of the fairies, Oberon the 7th, is a Faye, but this may just be a rumor. Faye have bright, clearly visible wings that sometimes have a hint of color. They tend to have a lot of freckles.
Aside from these, there are also mermaids. Mermaids are NOT, I repeat, NOT fairies, but they befriend water fairies from time to time. As of now, mermaids are playable if you have at least 1 fairy character. You may only have 3 mermaid characters total. The other 7 slots must be for fairies.